February 25, 2022

Virtual Tourism: How a Virtual Tour Can Help Businesses as Singapore Welcomes Tourists Again

Photo by Philip Myrtorp on Unsplash 

One thing is sure: the pandemic has affected the tourism industry greatly. With the closing of borders worldwide, countries have had to shut off tourists and depend on localised tourism, which is not sustainable in the long run. After 2 years of staying put, Singapore is finally opening their borders to allow global travel doors. As we adjust to our new normal and invite tourists back into Singapore, the tourism sector is bound to pick up again and local companies will definitely want to take advantage of it. However, with the susceptibility of COVID-19, tourists will likely be pickier with their travel destinations and have a well-planned itinerary to experience Singapore to its fullest. This makes it more competitive for the local hospitality and tourism enterprises that want to stand out from their competitors and be the brand of choice. Lucky for us, technology has made it easier to create connections across seas to entice tourists to your establishment and a virtual tour is the perfect tool to do just that. 

Why are virtual tours a successful marketing tool for tourism? 

Virtual tours can create a 360 experience of any space in just a few clicks. If you’re looking to put your company on the (virtual) map, these virtual tours work by stitching multiple images of your space to create an overall circumferential view. Post it on the web, and viola, visitors can virtually roam around your space on their electronic devices. So why exactly should the hospitality and tourism sectors keep an eye on this technology as a marketing tool?

Give advance access to potential customers

Whether it’s a hotel, restaurant or tourism site, your business may be on the minds of some tourists but how can you seal the deal? Allowing potential leads that reside miles away from you to have a sneak preview of your space may just be the answer. A virtual tour allows global visitors to experience a piece of your space without seeing it in person just yet. If you’ve staged your virtual tour beautifully, it can even entice a customer to book with you. While virtual tours don’t give the full authentic experience, they can be used to promote your space to make visitors want to experience it in person. By making your business accessible online, there’s a higher chance of turning a potential lead into a sale. 

Stand out from competitors

It’s natural for tourists to search up local activities, eateries and sites before flying into Singapore. When we Google potential places to visit, we’re looking for reviews and pictures to make sure it’s worth our while. This is where virtual tours come in. While your competitors may have pictures on their site, having a virtual tour can set you apart from mere static images. Pictures can be deceiving as it’s easy to manipulate the light, angle and even add filters onto the image. Virtual tours are able to give a thorough view of the space so that visitors can see the space for what it is without any alterations. It’s important to instil trust in potential visitors and it’s even harder when they’re across oceans and seas. A virtual tour shows them exactly what they’re getting in, making you the better choice over your competitors. 

Potential for more sales

Tourists are bound to search up places of interest on Google so it’s important to have a prominent SEO standing on the search engine site. It has become extremely competitive to get on the first page when searching on Google so increasing your SEO score is vital. Lucky for you, Google is known to improve search engine rankings for sites that include Google Virtual Tours. Having a virtual tour on your site can increase your chances of landing on the first search page and boost the number of clicks and bookings to your site. 

How virtual tours can be used in the tourism sector


If potential customers are looking for a luxurious stay while in Singapore, a virtual tour is the best “try-before-you-buy” advertising method. It can be really frustrating when a hotel room looks completely different to its online pictures. With a virtual tour, not only can you show an expansive view of your rooms, your visitors will also have a sneak preview of your amenities. Ensuring transparency with customers can make you stand out from your neighbouring competitors. 


Many tourists haven’t boarded a plane for a couple of years and with borders opening, some may even consider opting for a luxurious upgrade for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Airlines can leverage on a virtual tour to encourage potential customers to book Business or First Class instead of Economy. A 360 tour can showcase the luxurious features of an upgraded ticket and even tour the travel lounge. By pointing out the exclusivity of these upgrades through a virtual tour, customers may be more inclined to fork out the cash for a pricier ticket. 


Tourists travel to Singapore for an experience of a lifetime and restaurants with a unique edge will definitely want to use that as a marketing tool. Establishments that boast an amazing view or an opulent interior will want to show off their space using a virtual tour. When visitors can experience and imagine visiting your restaurant through these 360 tours, they’re more likely to make a booking with you. 

Tourist destinations 

There are so many attractions to see in Singapore including museums, nature parks and historic landmarks. So how exactly can these sites stand out from the others when tourists are spoilt for choice? A virtual tour of course. While countries were testing out virtual tourism during the peak of the pandemic, it still proved to be insufficient as travellers wanted to experience a real-life adventure instead of a virtual one. But with borders open, digitising a tourist site is the perfect marketing tool to excite and reel travellers in.

Photo by Sergio Sala on Unsplash 

As the world starts opening up again, advancements and globalisation will move at lightning speed, making it easy for businesses to fall behind. If you want to stay on top of the technological race, drop us an email and we’ll solve all your digitisation needs.