With the pandemic hitting the events industry hard, it is vital for businesses to evolve with the times in order to stay afloat and competitive. The internet is widely accessible to everyone around the world and using it to your advantage can keep your event spaces booked up and profitable. As technology shapes our new normal, 3D virtual tours are an effective tool to sell and market event spaces. The virtual tour simulates a real-life walkthrough experience for clients to view spaces as authentically as possible. With its visual capabilities and attention-grabbing potential, setting up a 360 virtual tour is the future of event space marketing. Read on to find out how a virtual tour in Singapore can benefit your events business.
Human beings are visual creatures so when a prospective client is browsing online for event spaces, pictures and videos can draw them in to turn leads into sales. However, a 3D virtual tour is exceptionally sophisticated compared to mere photos. A 360 virtual tour has added features that can scope out the space seamlessly such as a navigation menu that can zoom into a particular spot in the space with just a click and an interactive floor plan tool that can take the user from a blueprint layout to a realistic view of the selected room. If you require an added description to further illustrate the different sections of your space, virtual tours can also embed information boxes when navigating around a room to add a comprehensive summary of the space. Without having to view the space in person, the client will be able to virtually engage and navigate through the room, increasing the possibility of the client reaching out to book your event space.
As many of us continue to work from home, having your event space available at your fingertips can save so much time! By having a 3D virtual tour online, you will be able to set up a video call with your client for a live showroom tour by navigating them around the room through a shared screen. Prospective clients will not have to come down to the space physically, making it extra convenient for both your clients and your business. Furthermore, having a virtual tour permanently up on your site means that buyers will be able to access these event spaces 24/7, bringing in regular leads and possibly sales while you’re asleep. Keeping your business interconnected with buyers through technology establishes your brand as one that can reach anyone, anywhere at any time.
A picture is worth a thousand words, but having a virtual tour in Singapore for your event space is far better than a photograph. While pictures are definitely helpful at depicting a space compared to a long description of words, a photograph is only limited to certain angles, which can distort the client’s perspective of the space. A 360 virtual tour, on the other hand, provides transparency with your clients as it creates an accurate virtual image and scope of the location with the ability to navigate like you are physically roaming around the space. Furthermore, these virtual tours have added chat boxes for clients to send in their enquiries while viewing the space. With this technology and its reliable customer service tools, prospective clients know exactly what they are paying for, resulting in a higher chance of making a sale.
If you are looking for a 3D virtual tour for your event space marketing, check out our list of services and client work.